The Lupanar was the house of pleasures in the ancient city of Pompeii that had at least 25 different brothels that were frequented not only by the inhabitants of the city but also by the numerous merchants and merchants who passed through.

Unlike the normal lupanars that were located in the upper floors of commercial buildings, at the spa or in private homes, this building was totally used as a brothel.

The structure of the Lupanare in Pompeii

It developed on two floors: the lower one, frequented by a modest clientele, consisted of 5 small rooms frescoed with some scenes of amplessi and with a masonry bed on which the mattress was resting; the upper floor was frequented by a more refined clientele and the 5 rooms were reachable by an independent entrance.

The prostitutes were slaves who had to pour all the proceeds to the lenone. Inscriptions were found on the walls with comments on both clients and prostitutes.

It is definitely an attraction to visit to discover a less known side of the culture of Pompeii.

Where is the Lupanar in Pompeii?

It is not far from the Forum, the Macellum and the Stabian Baths that had a secondary entrance on the Lupanare alley.

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